

Tantra For Couples 1.


Tantra for couples 1. 4-7.1.2018

Life as a couple and as a family brings up many challenges nowadays. The intensivity and limitless possibilities are driving us into separate directions easily. Tantracourse has been created to bring more joy, pleasure and deeper connection into the relationship- not to forget the playfullness. In the course Pragita and Sudeva are creating a loving and supporting athmosphere, where couples can relax and find a new way of connecting. We can find also new ways how to meet our partner in connection and intimate life. For us tantra is pleasure of the body, relaxing and becoming sensitive in many different ways without pressure and demands. With tantric exercises we learn how to approve ourselves as we are; feeling and sexual beings. We learn how to love and listen to our bodies. Tantra helps us to enjoy our energy, ourselves and our partners. We can find new understanding, pleasure, approval to our dailylife and relationships by using the method of tantra.

In the tantra course we:

  • find a new connection with our partner
  • find ability for deeply loving intimacy
  • use breath for energising and empowering our lives
  • move towards ecstasy of our bodies
  • search for healthy boundaries and good communication

Price for the weekend is 320 €/person, including accommodation and food. More information about tantra and bookings.

Tantra For Singles 1.


Tantra for singles 1.  12 – 14.1.2018

In tantracourse for singles  you can learn to know yourself and  about your sexuality with tantric exercises and meditations in a safe environment respecting your own limits. It is an amazing opportunity to get to know your own body, yourself and share the experiences with others.  Exercises are done as female- male couples, allways with different person.

Most of us have a deep longing for an intimate relationship and pleasure of the body. By finding approval and love towards ourselves and our bodies we can create healthy and nourishing relationships. With deeper understanding and self awareness we learn to make decisions that bring us new kind of  wellbeing into our lives.

In the  tantra course we:

  • become sensitive to all our senses
  • make friends with our whole body and become more whole in ourselves
  • use breath to energise and empower our lives
  • find abilities for deeply loving intimacy
  • move towards extasy of the body
  • search healthy boundaries and good communication
  • open up for giving and receiving from the place of our heart

Price for the weekend is 320€/person, including food and accommodation. More information about tantra and bookings.

Kehto Koulu: Free Road Module 9

Kehto Koulu: Free road module 9

19 – 21.1.2018

Kehto Koulu is a modern spiritual school which is gives people power and courage to explore themselves as whole, live consciously in the everyday life and find their own true voice. The most important part of Kehto Koulu is the Free road learning and growth programme. The training is a deep journey into the connection with one self and with the other.

Tantra For Couples 2.


Couple tantra 2. 26-28.1.2018

Life as a couple and as a family brings up many challenges nowadays. The intensivity and limitless possibilities are driving us into separate directions easily. Tantracourse has been created to bring more joy, pleasure and deeper connection into the relationship- not to forget the playfullness. In the course Pragita and Sudeva are creating a loving and supporting athmosphere, where couples can relax and find a new way of connecting. We can find also new ways how to meet our partner in connection and intimate life. For us tantra is pleasure of the body, relaxing and becoming sensitive in many different ways without pressure and demands. With tantric exercises we learn how to approve ourselves as we are; feeling and sexual beings. We learn how to love and listen to our bodies. Tantra helps us to enjoy our energy, ourselves and our partners. We can find new understanding, pleasure, approval to our dailylife and relationships by using the method of tantra.

In the tantra course we:

  • find a new connection with our partner
  • find ability for deeply loving intimacy
  • use breath for energising and empowering our lives
  • move towards ecstasy of our bodies
  • search for healthy boundaries and good communication

Price for the weekend  is 320 €/person, including accommodation and food. Read more about bookings


Family Constellation

Family constellation with Dwari 8-11.2.2018

Family Constellation is a powerful method for recognizing family entanglements. Most often unexpected, solution-oriented interventions bring relaxation and understanding in deep human problem situations and allow love to flow again between the members of the family system. Like in any other system, there are laws operating in a family system which guide the individual’s behaviour. To a large extent, they are unspoken and individuals are even unaware of them.

The method of bringing the hidden family dynamics to light is to have a person from a group create the constellation of his or her family with the help of other group members. They represent members of the person’s family and are positioned in the room in relation to each other depending on how the person feels at that moment. In this way, a living model of the original family is created. By creating the structure or constellation of the family with the help of other group members, the relationships and operating laws within the system become visible. Through rearranging the constellation and using simple sentences the therapist supports an inner movement of the members of the family towards a new and healing picture that is more in harmony with a natural order.

Dwari has been working as a therapist for 30 years. She has been trained for three years in Breath Therapy with Prof. Ilse Middendorf in Berlin. Further training followed in Rebirthing, Bioenergetics, Primal Work and Counseling, Tantra and Energy Work, Family Constellation, as well as Somatic Experiencing. Meeting Osho in 1977 shifted her focus in life and work toward meditation.
She is a trainer in the Osho Breath Energy Training and teaches Family Constellation in different international therapy institutes. Her work with people focuses on inner transformation and holistic healing.

Price and booking

Booking happens by paying the group price (480e) or the first part of it (200e) to Elontuli bank account. It includes food and accommodation. Sheets and towels from us 15e. More info on registration page.


Body Types

Body types with Dwari 12-19.2.2018 From Body Type to Original Being 1

Discover your body type as a resource to protect your essential self. Training in self-discovery as well as a learning process for people working with people.

Very often in stressful life situations we long for being authentic and in contact with our essential qualities. Basically we all have this ability but sometimes we are trapped in unconscious conditioned behaviour patterns which we have already learned early in our childhood. The conditioning happened so deeply that it shaped our body structure and blocked the energy flow in certain areas of the body that we grew into a specific body type. This body development created a rigid believe system also in our psyche and caused us to develop a lot of very limiting behaviour patterns.

What we need to understand: this prison of our conditioning has not only been a prison it also served as a very important function in our life. At the time when we were helpless and dependent it protected us and helped to adjust to sometimes unbearable situations. We have to realise, that all these survival strategies and defences are neither needed nor helpful in the present moment. Therefore we need to stop judging the personality structures we find ourselves in and open up for an exciting discovery of the incredible wisdom of our being. Sure we cannot change our childhood but we can transform the effect it has on us and free our body, mind and spirit from its limitations. We can become more humorous and playful with who we are and expand into creative and conscious behaviour.

Price and booking

Booking happens by paying the training price (1150e) or the first part of it (300e) to Elontuli bank account. It includes food and accommodation. See more about registration.

According to the different developmental stages of childhood there are 5 basic body types one can develop into.

  1. Contact Type    (tendency to disconnect from the body, split from
    feeling, difficulties to feel the body and express
    feelings, often develops very unusual creativity)
  2. Need Type        (difficulties to connect with real needs and
    scared to express them. Strong ability to detect
    other people’s needs and fulfil them)
  3. Control Type       (afraid of intimacy and vulnerability, difficulty to
    trust that one can be himself in relationships,
    learned to find ways to get what one wants,
    without exposing oneself
  4.  Autonomy-Type  (being able to say no and have boundaries was
    impossible, vital energy and strong expressions
    had to be repressed, very patient and able to
  5. Love-Sexuality Type    (great difficulty to connect sex and
    heart, learned to be independent and

The exploration of this process will be an in depth teaching as well as a playful self-discovery into each body type.

– discover the body type you are

– explore the limitation as well as the resource it has given to

– find out the believe systems that came with each type

– re-evaluate your believes and open for change and new experiences

– become conscious of the behaviour pattern resulting with
each type

– learn flexible and creative behaviour patterns

– exercise to charge energy in the body

– exercise to discharge energy and emotion

– meditations for each body type

We will use bodywork exercises as well as breathing to support the transforming journey. Trauma work and guided meditations will be a tool for finding new resources and ground them in everyday life. Gestalt work and counselling support awareness in expanding believe systems and behaviour.


Tantra For Couples 1.


Tantra For Couples 1. 9 – 11.3.2018

Life as a couple and as a family brings up many challenges nowadays. The intensivity and limitless possibilities are driving us into separate directions easily. Tantracourse has been created to bring more joy, pleasure and deeper connection into the relationship- not to forget the playfullness. In the course Pragita and Sudeva are creating a loving and supporting athmosphere, where couples can relax and find a new way of connecting. We can find also new ways how to meet our partner in connection and intimate life. For us tantra is pleasure of the body, relaxing and becoming sensitive in many different ways without pressure and demands. With tantric exercises we learn how to approve ourselves as we are; feeling and sexual beings. We learn how to love and listen to our bodies. Tantra helps us to enjoy our energy, ourselves and our partners. We can find new understanding, pleasure, approval to our dailylife and relationships by using the method of tantra.

In the tantra course we:

  • find a new connection with our partner
  • find ability for deeply loving intimacy
  • use breath for energising and empowering our lives
  • move towards ecstasy of our bodies
  • search for healthy boundaries and good communication

Price for the weekend  is 320 €/person, including accommodation and food. More information about tantra and bookings.

Tantra For Couples 1.


Tantra For Couples 1. 16 – 18.3.2018

Life as a couple and as a family brings up many challenges nowadays. The intensivity and limitless possibilities are driving us into separate directions easily. Tantracourse has been created to bring more joy, pleasure and deeper connection into the relationship- not to forget the playfullness. In the course Pragita and Sudeva are creating a loving and supporting athmosphere, where couples can relax and find a new way of connecting. We can find also new ways how to meet our partner in connection and intimate life. For us tantra is pleasure of the body, relaxing and becoming sensitive in many different ways without pressure and demands. With tantric exercises we learn how to approve ourselves as we are; feeling and sexual beings. We learn how to love and listen to our bodies. Tantra helps us to enjoy our energy, ourselves and our partners. We can find new understanding, pleasure, approval to our dailylife and relationships by using the method of tantra.

In the tantra course we:

  • find a new connection with our partner
  • find ability for deeply loving intimacy
  • use breath for energising and empowering our lives
  • move towards ecstasy of our bodies
  • search for healthy boundaries and good communication

Price for the weekend  is 320 €/person, including accommodation and food. More information about tantra and bookings.

Primal Group 25.2-4.3.2018

Primal group with Premartha and Svarup 25.2. – 4.3.2018

This Primal group allows you to travel back in time to explore what painful situations in your past still affect the way you live and love today. It also brings you back to the many positive and inspirational moments that you have already lived, alone and with others. When you can recall with all your senses the situations in which you felt loved, seen, heard and supported, these imprints become alive again. They become resources. You will learn how to bring these resources to the past and transform it, and to allow the healing to happen also in your present life. An alchemy will happen. Your system will relax, and a new future will open

The split we carry, between what we feel inside and what we think we should be on the outside, needs healing. Inside us still lives a child, which was born full of natural gifts, overflowing with sensitivity and connectedness with existence and people. In the past, this child has not felt supported in its true nature, and has learnt to renounce its longings. This child is still alive inside us, asking us to be true to ourselves and others. When we welcome this child back into our adult life, a transformation can happen: anger becomes compassion, fear becomes trust.

This deep and intense exploration is moving further back in time, reconnecting with earlier life issues, such as birth, pregnancy and conception. It offers more and different tools to understand and release the most unconscious layers of our personality.

In this group you will be accompanied step by step back in time, through the stages of your development, recovering parts of yourself at each stage. You will experience the rules and roles that have been imposed on you by your surrounding, and how they have molded a false personality around you. You will be supported to express and release old emotions that block the flow of vitality in your body. You will explore your family setup with depth and compassion, completing what has remained unfinished. By healing yourself at the roots, you will have access again to your potential, and you can celebrate the lightness and freedom of being that is regained when the old weight you carried has dissolved.

The course begins at Elontuli -center on Sunday 25.2. at 17.30 and ends on Sunday 4.3. Let us know if you arrive already earlier or if you leave later (Extra: night 35e, breakfast 10e, lunch 14e and dinner 16e). You can find our location (map) by clicking the topic: How to get there.

Price and booking

Booking happens by paying the group price (980e) or the first part of it (200e) to Elontuli bank account. It includes food and accommodation. Sheets and towels from us 15e. More info on registration page.

The Minifestival Of Colour And Light

The minifestival of Colour and Light in Elontuli 30.3. – 2.4.2018!

Easter is coming and Elontuli is getting reay to celebrate it!! The invitation is for everyone, for old and new friends so be brave and just jump in!


We celebrate the easter with the theme of colour and light. We invite you to find the most colourful clothes you have and if you don’t have any to check from stores and fleemarkets to find some, with a twinkle in the eye.  Surprise yourself and your friends and shine in the colours!

On Monday, the second easter day 2.4. the house offers a birthday, cake coffee and sauna for those who want to come and wish happy birthday to Sudeva who is turning 60! Inform about your arrival to the birthday lunsh latest at 27.3. so we know how much food there should be.

…and there is more…

We have special program happening from Friday afternoon until Monday evening . We have live music, and many different people offering program, like AUM, Our Sacred Earth and other social meditations, High way to bliss -bhajans, Breath jouyrney with a carneval feel, Mini mystic rose meditation, sauna By the beach and the ice hole. The program might still be chanching on the way!

The event is drug free. We get drunk from the program, the people and the delicious creations of our talented kitchen staff.

Come join for one day or many! You can participate in the program as much as you like. At times it can be lovely to walk outside in the nature watching the awakening spring. We have a Limited amount of bed places so book well on time!!

Friday 30.3 – Getting to know each other and give the body loovely treatment
18.00 – 19.15 Sacred Earth -meditation, Prem
19.15 – 20.45 Dinner
20.45-22.00 Soft touch with live music

Saturday 31.3 – Let’s get rid of old burden and hear sensitivity of the heart
8.00 – 9.15 “Journey to the heart” active meditation with live music, Sudeva
9.15 – 11.00 Breakfast
11.00 – 14.00 Aum -meditation, Prem
14.00 – 17.00 Lunch, time to relax
17.00 – 18.30 ” Love meditation” Prem
18.30-20.00 Dinner
20.00 – 22.00 Highway to Bliss Bhajans -night, Tea Ihalainen

Sunday 1.4 – Celebrating colours and light
8.00 – 9.15 Chakra breathing -meditation
9.15 – 11.00 Breakfast
11.00-14.00 Breath journey, Sudeva, Pragita
14.00-16.00 Lunch, time to relax
16.00-17.00 “Wheel of Consent” Marina
17.00-17.30 Tea break
17.30-19.30 Ritual Play, Marina
19.30- 21.00 Dinner
21.00- 23.00 Dance party: Shine in colours!

Monday 2.4.- Celebrating life and Sudeva’s birthday
9.00 – 10.30 Breakfast
10.30 – 14.30 Mini Mystic rose meditation and sharing, Pragita and Sudeva
14.30 – 21.00 Sudevan 60 birthday lunsh, cake coffee and sauna possibility with ice hole


On Sunday lunch, cake coffee and sauna for free.
The whole event fri-mon: 280e / early bird 250e
fri 15.00 – sat 17.00: 120e / early bird 100e
sat 17.00 – sun 17.00: 120e / early bird 100e
sun 17.00 – mon 21.00: 120e / early bird 100e

Notice ! Take your own sheets !! Sheets from us 15e.
You get the early bird price by paying before 28.2.

We know the feeling !! VYou can come and work 6 hours day and participate the rest of the time. Book in time because these places are popular.

You can arrive on fri 30.3. starting at 17.00 or sat, sun 16.45. Fri 17.45 and sat and sun at 16.45 there’s small info where we go through the house rules. The minimum time for participating is 24 hours and the arriving times are those meantioned above.

You can check for car rides in the Facebook group:  Värin ja Valon Minifestarit Pääsiäisenä Elontulessa . Every day there is one car picking people from the bus ( see the price for the ride on our page elontuli.fi) and these are the times:
FRI 30.3: Helsinki, Kamppi at 15.55 (platform 26, buss Hki-Salo-Turku) – Saukkola center at 16.55.
SAT 31.3: Helsinki, Kamppi at 14.30 (platform 27) – Karjalohja, Päiväkumpu stop at 16.15 (change of bus in Lohja / platform 3).
SUN 1.4: Helsinki, Kamppi klo 15.00 (laituri 28, bussi Hki-Somero) – Saukkolan keskusta klo 16.15.
MON 2.4: Back to Helsinki with a bus at 17.27 Karjalohja, Päiväkumpu – Helsinki, Kamppi at 19.25.

If you need a ride from us form the bus please let us know latest 2 days ahead.


Check from us that there is space at the event and book your Place By paying the price of the days you plan to stay to Elontuli bank account.
Company: Hyvän Olon Keskus Elontuli Oy
IBAN: FI50 5236 0420 1001 95
Bank: Länsi-Uudenmaan osuuspankki
Adress: Kauppakatu 13, 06100 Lohja
Mail on send text to us to confirm you have paid (Sudeva 050 5834473, elontuli@elontuli.fi).

Write the name of the event to the note of the payment  ( = Easter minifestival ) and the dates when you participate. Put also your name in the payment notes, if the payer is a company, or the payer is a different person than the participant. By paying the first part of the payment you commit to participate and pay the whole group price. The payment is non-refundable except in cases of injury or illness (doctor’s statement required).

The event takes Place in Elontuli -course center in Karjalohja. Adress is Merkniementie 94, Karjalohja (Lohja). You find a map on our webpage   elontuli.fi By clicking the headline: How to get there.

Please remember to inform us about any food allergies latest at 26.3 to elontuli@elontuli.fi

The people offering program:
Marina Kronqvist
Tea Ihalainen
Sudeva Huhtamäki
Pragita Teerisuo
Amazing musicians!

You are warmly welcome to spend an unforgettable easter with us!



Breathtraining Module 3

Breathtraining module 3: Journey to the origin of life 15-22.4.2018

Diamond Breath° is a merger of Western therapy and Eastern meditation. It is rooted in the Psychology of the Buddha’s – the art of living totally and consciously. By shifting the focus of therapy from mind to meditation it opens for your inner world.
Deep conscious breathing is a way to enhance the capacity to relax and to enjoy life. The training teaches skills to work with the power of breath. It makes your own transformation the foundation of working with people.

You learn a variety of therapeutic, hypnotic and meditative breathing techniques to support great being and inner transformation. Dynamic Breath Integration allows you to grow from the roots in your body to the flowering of your soul.

Your life depends on the waves of energy created by your breathing. The way you breathe you grow in love and live your relationships. Your body-mind carries all the memories of your life experiences. The moment of your life’s creation left the first imprint in your breath and energy-body.

Prenatal Healing allows you to explore prenatal life all the way back to the Dance of Conception. When love becomes your inner breath you move beyond the circle of life and death. In meditation you reconnect to the Cosmic Breath. You become a master of breath!

Price and booking

Booking happens by paying the group price (480e) or the first part of it (200e) to Elontuli bank account. It includes food and accommodation. Sheets and towels from us 15e. More info on registration page.


Sex To Superconsciousness

Sex to Superconsciousness Third eye Chakra Weekend  27-29 April, 2018

During the Third Eye Chakra weekend we work with psychic opening and the phenomenon of clairvoyance. This dormant gift is easily awakened when we allow ourselves to surrender to cosmic consciousness. Through meditation, we can learn to melt into the void where the vastness of the soul gives birth to all wisdom. 

The interconnectedness of all things becomes apparent. You become wise and centered. Past and future no longer pray your mind. You become silent, serene and able to live this moment as an aware being. Your genius is awakened. The experience of enlightment is a flash of light joining the right and left hemispheres. We are merging our inner masculine and inner feminine, left and right hemisphere of our brain. As we apply soul awareness to our daily life, every aspect of life is revealed as divine.

6th chakra out of Balance: Spiritual sleep, not aware of the tremendous potential of life, insomnia, fear of death, phobias, psychosis, lethargy, and stress. 

6th chakra in Balance: Intuitive, in tune with the rhythm of life, balanced sleeping and waking, clear sense of direction in life, and sexually, orgasm be- yond time and mind, with a sense of unity, body and soul. A propensity to be a healer and or a deep meditator arises from here. 

In Third Eye chakra weekend we invite you through many different practices, shamanic journeying, meditations , sensorial exploration of dance, emotional release, massage, group sharing and rituals, one peak experience being the ” Darkness”-party where we will dance, celebrate and meditate in darkness.

Our workshop is open to singles and couples. You can come also with same sex partner.
We do like to have an equal number of males and females to bring about a balance in masculine and feminine energy work.

This training will be in English (and in Finnish if needed.)

Sex to Superconsciousness is a tantra journey through 7 chakras. You can join in at any stage of the journey (at any chakra).
Each unique weekend dives deeply into the essence of one chakra, but you can also come for just one workshop. This enlivening process helps us to overcome our conditioning and to evolve on a personal, sexual and spiritual level. Bringing each chakra into balance produces an ecstasy and ease in our life. We feel empowered, awakened and creative. 

This training has been created by Mahasatvaa Sarita and Tantra Essence team

Price: 350e, food and accommondation 140€, training 210€ (incl tax 24%/ businesses +tax) 
Early Bird price 330e (140€+ 190€) until 1.3. 2018
Time: 27-29 April, 2018
On Friday group starts at 6.30pm and we finish on Sunday at 5pm

For booking and further information:
Kirsti mobile: +358 40 535 2293

Kirsti is a vibrant, passionate teacher and in her work she wants to encourage people to reclaim their power, creativity, freedom and love – their true authentic self. She is working as a tantra teacher, an actress, a psychotherapist and as a sex, love and relationship coach.

Suta Guy Rawson is an experienced tantra teacher who helps people remember their timeless Essential nature especially through meditation, music and massage and is an advocate of the healing power of Darkness.

You are warmly welcome!


Tantra For Couples 2.


Couple tantra 2. 11-13.5.2018

Life as a couple and as a family brings up many challenges nowadays. The intensivity and limitless possibilities are driving us into separate directions easily. Tantracourse has been created to bring more joy, pleasure and deeper connection into the relationship- not to forget the playfullness. In the course Pragita and Sudeva are creating a loving and supporting athmosphere, where couples can relax and find a new way of connecting. We can find also new ways how to meet our partner in connection and intimate life. For us tantra is pleasure of the body, relaxing and becoming sensitive in many different ways without pressure and demands. With tantric exercises we learn how to approve ourselves as we are; feeling and sexual beings. We learn how to love and listen to our bodies. Tantra helps us to enjoy our energy, ourselves and our partners. We can find new understanding, pleasure, approval to our dailylife and relationships by using the method of tantra.

In the tantra course we:

  • find a new connection with our partner
  • find ability for deeply loving intimacy
  • use breath for energising and empowering our lives
  • move towards ecstasy of our bodies
  • search for healthy boundaries and good communication

Price for the weekend  is 320 €/person, including accommodation and food. Read more about bookings

Intensive Life Training

INTENSIVE LIFE TRAINING with Neeru 14-20.5.2018

Ready to go ..?? It is time to look at my lifestyle … It is time to expose the continuous lies and ongoing excuses …

It is time for cleaning the “house”. Now or never, finally, it is time for facing the step into the unknown accompanied by fear …

It is time for giving the chance to THIS what I always and again and again was longing for and never was finally facing …

The final Freedom of my soul undisturbed by the tortures of the mind wants to be lived

forever, forever, forever …


The success of our Intensive Life Trainings for Entering OPEN CLARITY is based on four facts:

  1. MEETING WITH NEERU (daily) which is the center of the cyclone. It is a deep cleaning of all the garbage which hinders us to live this our Life in clarity. Neeru through her continuous presence accompanies the participants in their strong cleaning process during the whole Training.
  1. BODY ACTIVITIES Where we move the body strongly and breath deep in our power center for removing all blocks and traumas which don’t let us live our life in its simplicity, easiness and joyfulness. We train a free flow for finally opening the way into our potential and our divine power.
  1. OPEN SHARING The participants have here the opportunity to share freely without embarrassment or fear about themselves. It is a way of standing “naked” and expose totally naturally. A free flow into CLARITY.
  1. DETOX Other mediums for our success are the

digital detox  through removing all electronic devices during the Training.

physical detox through our strong Body Activities twice a day and the vegetarian food.


“I am at service only

like a didgeridoo,

Truth speaking through me.

And having experienced it all

in this multidimensional life,

all the joy and all the pain,

coming from there

and there picking up
the people

being able to feel them

and take them by hand …”

Price and booking

Booking happens by paying the group price (980e) or the first part of it (200e) to Elontuli bank account. It includes food and accommodation. Sheets and towels from us 15e. More info on registration page.

Tantra For Couples 2.


Couple tantra 2. 25-27.5.2018

Life as a couple and as a family brings up many challenges nowadays. The intensivity and limitless possibilities are driving us into separate directions easily. Tantracourse has been created to bring more joy, pleasure and deeper connection into the relationship- not to forget the playfullness. In the course Pragita and Sudeva are creating a loving and supporting athmosphere, where couples can relax and find a new way of connecting. We can find also new ways how to meet our partner in connection and intimate life. For us tantra is pleasure of the body, relaxing and becoming sensitive in many different ways without pressure and demands. With tantric exercises we learn how to approve ourselves as we are; feeling and sexual beings. We learn how to love and listen to our bodies. Tantra helps us to enjoy our energy, ourselves and our partners. We can find new understanding, pleasure, approval to our dailylife and relationships by using the method of tantra.

In the tantra course we:

  • find a new connection with our partner
  • find ability for deeply loving intimacy
  • use breath for energising and empowering our lives
  • move towards ecstasy of our bodies
  • search for healthy boundaries and good communication

Price for the weekend  is 320 €/person, including accommodation and food. Read more about bookings


Nidrá Yoga Weekend



Nidrâ Yoga weekend 1.6. – 3.6.2018 Fri 18pm – Sun 4:30pm with André Riehl

A student of Yoga since 1972; disciple of Sri Ma Ananda Mayi and Chandra Swami from the Udasin Lineage. He was also a close friend to Jiddu Krishnamurti and he still teaches at the international Krishnamurti gatherings;
president of the Federation of Traditional Yoga (France); Yoga Teacher Trainer and a founder of five schools of Yoga teaching in France; translator of a dozen spiritual works and author of a book and several articles in specialized magazines. He also participated in numerous radio and television broadcasts and is regularly invited to national and international yoga conferences. Initially, French-born André lived in a Himalayan monastery before spending several years in a spiritual quest in India among masters and instructors of diverse traditions.

Nidrâ means ‘sleep’ and Yoga ‘union’ in Sanskrit. It is an oral tradition belonging to the Tantric world view and has been transmitted from instructors to students mainly through personal and direct experience. It should not be confused with Yoga Nidra™, which is usually practiced at the end of asana practice to relax, distress and detox. Nidrâ Yoga brings about an expanded state of consciousness by deepening the ability to relax while at the same time intensifying the ability to concentrate. It is hard to imagine the possibility of being concentrated and relaxed at the same time. Going very deep into relaxation brings to a state of complete surrendering, a state where we can consciously watch the very movement of life in its deeper nature. According to the Nidrâ culture, life is an everlasting dynamic process having no beginning nor end and therefore no particular goal to attain. It clearly says that there is a sacred dimension to our life which is natural and already existing in each person. We cannot attain it, but only realise that it is already just there. The approach proposed by Nidrâ is not to change anything (not ever our inner life), but to “see”, to “observe”, to recognise what, at a deeper level, we have always known. Nidrâ Yoga is a complete spiritual path where is no place for superstitions, believes or achievements.

Nidrâ Yoga is a practice for those who search for the balance between deep relaxation and intense concentration to reach a state of vastness, silence and joy. Trying to look deeply into things as they are require a lot of openness, a real desire to question and a clear mind ready to welcome totally unknown possibilities as new answers. There is no advance or progress in this approach.

The weekend consists of theoretical lectures, relaxation practices (lying) and concentration exercises (sitting).

Price: 380€ (earlybird 340eur) Inc. teaching, accommodation and meals.
The course language is English.
Reservations and enquiries: kmiller@pt.lu; miska.lietonen@gmail.com
Contact: Karl +358(0)40–1951 973, Miska +358(0)405000717
You will receive a confirmation of your reservation. You will also be asked to pay the whole amount within 7 days in order to secure a place for you.

Dance Workshop



Live music session + Outdoor dance and ritual
June 21rst – 24th, 2018
To receive full details, prices & camp; accomodation options, please fill up this form:
Solstice are high points in the cycle of the year and the energetic qualities of
this unique moments are significant in the nature cycles.
As human beings we can open up to this special qualities as gateway to
empower our own cycles and transformation processes.
This workshop will be a celebration of our senses through dance and
elemental explorations in wilderness.
This is an invitation for you to embrace the wholeness of your nature,
welcoming all that is in your present, honouring the precious gift that life is
giving to you and impulsing in your self this meaningful steps that you want to
Embodying your most natural inspirations aligning Mind, Heart and Spirit in
the reality of now through your dance.
We will deepen our practice of the 5Rhythms on the live beats of exquisite
musiciens and expand our relation to time and space collecting as much as
possible the very exquisite flavour of each moves.
This will be a long weekend to dance, explore and rest to reconnect with the
natural essence of your true self.
We will have our dance sessions in the majestuous wooden studio and
outdoor with dance explorations by the lake and in connection with the
elements around. Fire time, dancing night out into the wild and sauna will be
part of our journey together.

Be very welcome !



This summer we are happy to offer a unique group that puts together two beautiful and powerful components; family constellation and creativity. Combined they bring us to new depths of awareness and understanding of love, ourselves and our capacity to express our true authentic selves also to others.
Two experienced and internationally renowned therapists, Svagito and Kantu take us to this journey of self-discovery.

The first part, “Love, Life and Death” on 29.6.-1.7. is led by Svagito. In this course we explore deeper life issues that take us beyond the collective field of the family and open us to a vaster consciousness.

Sometimes when we face a bigger life challenge or also a traumatic situation we come in contact with existential questions and other more mundane problems lose all significance. This is an opportunity to make a shift in consciousness and find a new direction in life.
Ordinarily we take life for granted, but are we really living fully? Are we conscious that we are approaching death each moment? In fact each moment is a kind of death, a death to the past. Are we in touch with our creative potential and giving our life a purpose? And what we call ’love’ is that really love or just hidding other desires and fears?
With courage and sensitivity we will face such questions and deepen our meditative awareness while working with our personal issues.
This group is led by Svagito, an internationally well-known family constellation therapists, meditator and psychotherapist.

The second part, “Birth of Creativity“, on 2-4.7. is led by Kantu.

Art is a great mirror of our inner state. What is seen on our painting is a reflection of ourselves. In this workshop we will be open to the unknown as innocent children. We will connect with our bodies and feelings as well as living and trusting in the moment. This way of painting invites our creativity to open up with love and awareness. It is also about saying “Yes” to yourself however you are.

The group takes place in Elontuli, a beautiful course center in the Finnish countryside about 60 km from Helsinki.

For more information on the group please connect with us organizers: Pragita Teerisuo elontuli@elontuli.fi or Amita Riikka Lehti amita.riikka.lehti@gmail.com.

Family Constellation And

Trauma Healing



Family Constellation and Trauma Healing with Svagito 29.6.-1.7.2018

Svagito Libermeister, very experienced and ultimately skilled therapist in the field of family constellation is coming to Elontuli in July! Family constellation is something we warmly recommend for everyone to try atleast once in their lives. Now one amazing opportunity is available here.

Family Constellation is an effective and powerful method to recognize family entanglements in the family of origin and in the present family. Most often, unexpected solution oriented interventions bring relaxation and understanding into deep human problem situations. This allows love to flow again between the members of the family and to the people who are important to us in our present life.

Working with the energy field of the family we begin to recognize many traumatic experiences. So it is extremely helpful to know how our body responds to trauma and how the body can be supported to overcome the effects of such experiences and discharge the energy that became frozen within the nervous system.

In this course every participant will understand and experience family conditioning and gain insights and learn tools how to support oneself and others in difficult life situations. It is important for laymen and professionals both to know how to stay present without getting overwhelmed and lost in the emotional drama of the past. The life energy, which is frozen in trauma is enormous and it needs a resourceful, safe space to be felt and released.
In this course the latest findings of Family Constellation and new approaches of working with trauma will be included. We will learn how to find our place in life, how to be connected to our family and to our body in a healthy way and to experience ourselves as being part of the vaster movement of life itself.

Svagito is the author of “The Roots of Love, A guide to Family Constellation: Understanding the ties that bind us and the path to freedom”. His second book is “The Zen Way of Counseling: A Meditative Approach to Working with People.” His latest book is called “Osho Therapy” All books are available in many languages. Also visit Svagito’s website for further information: www.family-constellation.net

Price and bookings

You can book your place by paying the price of food and accommodation (150e) to Elontuli bank account: FI50 5236 0420 1001 95. To: Elontuli Oy. In the note section write: “Family constellation 1-3.7.2017 accommodation and meals”. If the payer is a company or different person than the participant also write the name of the participant. The payment is non-refundable except in cases of injury or illness (doctor’s statement required).

The course price 240e will be paid with cash, so take with you even money. Debit card is not ok for Svagito.







Painting group by Kantu. 2-4.7.2018.

Art is a great mirror of our inner state. What is seen on our painting is a reflection of ourselves.

In this workshop we will be open to the unknown as innocent children. We will connect with our bodies and feelings as well as living and trusting in the moment. This way of painting invites our creativity to open up with love and awareness. It is also about saying “Yes” to yourself however you are.

Kantu is japanese and lives in Norway. Over a period of many years, she has attended many art therapy groups with Meera. She has experienced how Osho Art Therapy can transform a human’s life in a positive way. She has trained in Osho Art Therapy, Gurdjieff Movements, Family Constellation, ARUN Conscious Touch, Japanese Facial as well as other different types of bodywork and Osho Therapy. She has been working as an art therapist in EU, China and Japan.

No special skills or prior experience of painting is necessary in order to participate in this group! As the two groups create together a deep journey, we recommend that you participate in both parts. Should you wish to participate in only one part, it is also possible.

The groups takes place in Elontuli Course Center in Karjalohja, Finland, about 50 km from Helsinki

Intensive Life Training



INTENSIVE LIFE TRAINING with Neeru 9-15.7.2018

Ready to go ..?? It is time to look at my lifestyle … It is time to expose the continuous lies and ongoing excuses …

It is time for cleaning the “house”. Now or never, finally, it is time for facing the step into the unknown accompanied by fear …

It is time for giving the chance to THIS what I always and again and again was longing for and never was finally facing …

The final Freedom of my soul undisturbed by the tortures of the mind wants to be lived

forever, forever, forever …


The success of our Intensive Life Trainings for Entering OPEN CLARITY is based on four facts:

  1. MEETING WITH NEERU (daily) which is the center of the cyclone. It is a deep cleaning of all the garbage which hinders us to live this our Life in clarity. Neeru through her continuous presence accompanies the participants in their strong cleaning process during the whole Training.
  1. BODY ACTIVITIES Where we move the body strongly and breath deep in our power center for removing all blocks and traumas which don’t let us live our life in its simplicity, easiness and joyfulness. We train a free flow for finally opening the way into our potential and our divine power.
  1. OPEN SHARING The participants have here the opportunity to share freely without embarrassment or fear about themselves. It is a way of standing “naked” and expose totally naturally. A free flow into CLARITY.
  1. DETOX Other mediums for our success are the

digital detox  through removing all electronic devices during the Training.

physical detox through our strong Body Activities twice a day and the vegan food.


“I am at service only

like a didgeridoo,

Truth speaking through me.

And having experienced it all

in this multidimensional life,

all the joy and all the pain,

coming from there

and there picking up
the people

being able to feel them

and take them by hand …”

Price and booking

Booking happens by paying the group price (900e) or the first part of it (200e) to Elontuli bank account. It includes food and accommodation. Sheets and towels from us 15e. More info on registration page.

Being In Love For Couples



Being in Love for couples 26.7. (at 18.00) – 29.7.2018 (at 17.00) with Hariprem and Kaulika

Retreat for couples and lovers, where Kaulika and Hariprem, share the space love and consciousness, with you. We feel that ‘growing through love’ is the most natural and human way of spiritual life. The natural flow of love that is possible between a loving man and a loving woman, has been severely damaged on this planet, in the modern society. Only by connecting again with the space of love -that you have been born with- you start to remember why you came to this planet. Life starts to make sense again, and your life takes on a completely new meaning and resposibility. And it is not only your life; through love we are connected with others, and the wellbeing of this whole planet depends ultimately upon the awakening of the individual to Love.

Hariprem and Kaulika feel ready to share many treasures of love with you.

Hariprem and Kaulika have met in 2014 at the Tantra Festival in Delhi, India..

Kaulika has a background as a well-known singer and actress in West-Bengal, India.

In 2004 she received a son, who has greatly helped her in her spiritual awakening. The experience of being a mother, has transformed her entire life. In 2012, she dropped her career and became sannyasin.

Hariprem, born in Holland, has been teaching Tai Chi and Chi Kung for many years, starting in the early nineties in Osho’s Commune in Poona. Since 2000 he has been mainly on the path of Tantra and teaching in many countries in the world. In him the path of Tao and Tantra flow together as one stream.

After their meeting they were invited to live in a Baul ashram, in West Bengal. They have built a beautiful Shiva-Shakti temple there, and are since more than 2 years immersed in their Tantric Process, of melting the Male and Female energies and enjoying their Divine Union.

Prices and Registration

Please ensure there is space in the group by contacting us.
Pay the course payment, Early bird before 29.6.2018 450€, after 29.6. 480€(or the first part of the payment 200€) to Elontuli account. See more about registration.


Being In Love For Singles



Being in Love for singles 2-5.8.2018 from 18.00 to 17.00 with Hariprem and Kaulika

Retreat for individuals interested in the art of tantra, where Kaulika and Hariprem, share the space, love and consciousness, with you. We feel that ‘growing through love’ is the most natural and human way of spiritual life. The natural flow of love that is possible between a loving man and a loving woman, has been severely damaged on this planet, in the modern society. Only by connecting again with the space of love -that you have been born with- you start to remember why you came to this planet. Life starts to make sense again, and your life takes on a completely new meaning and resposibility. And it is not only your life; through love we are connected with others, and the wellbeing of this whole planet depends ultimately upon the awakening of the individual to Love.

Hariprem and Kaulika feel ready to share many treasures of love with you.

Hariprem and Kaulika have met in 2014 at the Tantra Festival in Delhi, India..

Kaulika has a background as a well-known singer and actress in West-Bengal, India. In 2004 she received a son, who has greatly helped her in her spiritual awakening. The experience of being a mother, has transformed her entire life. In 2012, she dropped her career and became sannyasin.

Hariprem, born in Holland, has been teaching Tai Chi and Chi Kung for many years, starting in the early nineties in Osho’s Commune in Poona. Since 2000 he has been mainly on the path of Tantra and teaching in many countries in the world. In him the path of Tao and Tantra flow together as one stream.

After their meeting they were invited to live in a Baul ashram, in West Bengal. They have built a beautiful Shiva-Shakti temple there, and are since more than 2 years immersed in their Tantric Process, of melting the Male and Female energies and enjoying their Divine Union.

Prices and Registration

Please ensure there is space in the group by contacting us.
Pay the course payment, Early bird before 29.6.2018 450€, after 29.6. 480€(or the first part of the payment 200€) to Elontuli account. See more about registration.

International Forest Therapy Days



International Forest Therapy Days in Elontuli 6.-12.8.2018

Nature´s established health effects are starting to become broadly recognized. Applying the healing
effects of nature, and specifically those of the forests outside of a specific practice, e.g. in primary
health care, is only starting. Simultaneously, the Forest Therapy community is growing and with it,
a diversity of approaches, terms, and practices are surfacing. The International Forest Therapy Days
aim to raise awareness of Forest Therapy as a growing field and help the field a substantial step
forward by building bridges between practice and science.

The first ever International Forest Therapy Days will be held in southern Finland on 6th-12th of
August 2018. This event brings together international forest therapy practitioners, scientists and
anyone who wishes to apply the healing effects of nature in their work, to share knowledge, learn
from each other and experience different forest therapy practices.

The week will start with a seminar day open to a wider audience. International researchers
focusing on forests‘ therapeutic effects, both physical and mental, will share their research results
and future research foci. How forests‘ healing effects are applied in preventive and curative work,
will be shared by practitioners who will talk about applications of forest therapy from around the

The seminar day will be followed by a retreat introducing different approaches to forest therapy.
International practitioners and certified guides will lead sessions that will initiate you to the
different application of forest therapy used for different target audiences.

More information and registration page can be found here: https://www.foresttherapydays.com





Family constellation with Dwari 16-19.8.2018

Family Constellation is a powerful method for recognizing family entanglements. Most often unexpected, solution-oriented interventions bring relaxation and understanding in deep human problem situations and allow love to flow again between the members of the family system. Like in any other system, there are laws operating in a family system which guide the individual’s behaviour. To a large extent, they are unspoken and individuals are even unaware of them.

The method of bringing the hidden family dynamics to light is to have a person from a group create the constellation of his or her family with the help of other group members. They represent members of the person’s family and are positioned in the room in relation to each other depending on how the person feels at that moment. In this way, a living model of the original family is created. By creating the structure or constellation of the family with the help of other group members, the relationships and operating laws within the system become visible. Through rearranging the constellation and using simple sentences the therapist supports an inner movement of the members of the family towards a new and healing picture that is more in harmony with a natural order.

Dwari has been working as a therapist for 30 years. She has been trained for three years in Breath Therapy with Prof. Ilse Middendorf in Berlin. Further training followed in Rebirthing, Bioenergetics, Primal Work and Counseling, Tantra and Energy Work, Family Constellation, as well as Somatic Experiencing. Meeting Osho in 1977 shifted her focus in life and work toward meditation.
She is a trainer in the Osho Breath Energy Training and teaches Family Constellation in different international therapy institutes. Her work with people focuses on inner transformation and holistic healing.

Price and booking

Booking happens by paying the group price (480e) or the first part of it (200e) to Elontuli bank account. It includes food and accommodation. Sheets and towels from us 15e. More info on registration page.


Body Types



From body type to original being 2 with Dwari 20-26.8.2018

Training in self-discovery as well as a learning process for people working with people

An exploration of relating patterns of the different body types to find creative solutions for the conflicts in life relating

Who with whom and how … that is the big question in relating.

It is a great advantage to understand our own body type and its relating traps we sometimes fall into so easily and unconsciously.

Once you know your body type and personality fixation many of the relating conflicts appear in a totally different light.

Rooted in the understanding of our own functioning we can develop a good sense of self humour, find creative solutions and have compassion for the traps of others.

How can a need type cope with a control type person? Is this a good fit or will it end in a disaster? One of the disasters we might have already faced at some earlier time in our lives.

Is there a chance between a contact type and a love-sex type or should both of them better work on serious therapy first?

Through playful confrontation and deep personal work we can explore the story of body type relating and go beyond these patterns.




  • body type relating patterns
  • interacting from protection
  • neurotic match and healthy match
  • classic conflicts
  • accept who you are and dare who you can be
  • creative conflict solutions
  • stepping out of old believes
  • risking new behaviours
  • how to allow intimacy
  • exposing what you are afraid of
  • entering conscious relating
  • meditation is the key

This process will create a deep understanding of how each body type functions in relating. A step by step learning to be flexible in using defence strategies when needed and risking vulnerability and intimacy when possible.

We develop skills in energy work, breathing, Gestalt, counselling and meditation methods

Price and booking

Booking happens by paying the training price (1150e) or the first part of it (300e) to Elontuli bank account. It includes food and accommodation. See more about registration.


The Keys To Personal Power



The Keys to Personal Power with Nishant Matthews! 13-16.9.2018

Personal power holds the key to opening so many doors in life, yet most of us are not very skillful in the way we use it. When we were young, we learned that we often needed to be negative in order get what we want.  If we don’t make a fuss, then nothing happens.  We learned to connect negativity with asserting personal power. As adults, we find ourselves in new relations which call for our personal power but without any negativity attached.  We need to tell the world, here I am and this is what I want without making big waves around it. These days will give a very clear picture how to both assert your power and to get other people to support you there. You will also learn to connect your personal power with the mission of your heart, so that your heart and power work together.

Price and booking

Booking happens by paying the group price (480e) or the first part of it (200e) to Elontuli bank account. It includes food and accommodation. Sheets and towels from us 15e. More info on registration page.

Tantric Life Coach 
In Elontuli 25 – 30.9 2018
2 – 6.1 2019
22 – 28.7 2019
In Tantric Life Coach training you will learn skills to coach others, to do basic tantric bodywork, to facilitate groups, to lead meditations and exercises. As part of the group process you will have opportunities to deal with challenges within the group, both personal and professional. You will have a chance to grow in your expression and communication, to practice giving and receiving feedback in a constructive and loving way. You will grow a stronger connection and trust within yourself, learning how to relax and center yourself in challenging situations.


Breath Training

Part 1



BREATH TRAINING part 1 19 – 25.11.2018 with Pragita and Sudeva

Conscious Breathing and Body-Mind Therapy

Conscious Breathing allows you to experience your body, mind, heart and soul. You learn to clear your mind, to express your emotions and the tensions in your body and finally to love yourself. You heal yourself!

As a result you become more healthy, joyful, creative and meditative. Negative breathing patterns disappear and with the help of Body-Mind Therapy you open for the flow of your bio-energy. By balancing your emotions the heart naturally finds its inner freedom. Meditations, grounding exercises and massage support this healing process.

You learn:
-Bio-energetic exercises
-Dynamic Tension Release
-Conscious Breathing 1
-Body-Mind Therapy 1
-Grounding exercises
-Massage techniques
-The Art of Meditation 1

Read more about breath training.

Price and booking

Booking happens by paying the group price (1115e) or the first part of it (200e) to Elontuli bank account. It includes food and accommodation. Sheets and towels from us 15e. More info on registration page.

Wild heart transformation ´18 28.11.-2.12.2018

Tantra is a great path of transformation and awakening. Since 2012, when I’ve been leading the TLC – Tantric Life Coach training – I’ve seen my students go through profound transformations in their lives and attitudes. This is one reason for renaming “Tantra Training” to Wild Heart Transformation. The content of the training will continue as before, still not fixed but flowing, as preparation for the second year, which ends with certification as a Tantric Life Coach.

About the teacher:
Shanti has given workshops and sessions in Tantra and personal development since 2003. Her guidance is creative and intuitive and she is known to create a safe and loving space. She is a Tantric Life Coach, therapist, Sexsibilitycoach, body-worker and TRE level II instructor. Her message is that you need no other guru than the one inside yourself!

Shanti lives in Portugal where she is creating a new holistic course center together with her partner on their eco-farm in southern Alentejo.
For the last 6 years her focus has been on training Tantric Life Coaches. This year the 6th Wild Heart Transformation and TLC training will start in Finland and Portugal. Several of her certified students are already continuing her work in Finland.

The heart is wild and spontaneous. Learn to listen to its voice without judging, without explanations of your mind and ego to be in touch with yourself and others on all levels. Let go, relax and surrender to life!

About the training:
When I say that the content is not fixed but flowing, I mean that there is no strict plan for which issues we will touch on in any particular module. Instead we will follow the energy, dealing with whatever comes up during the practices, sharing and meditations.
The basic methods we will use are Tantric exercises, Meditation, TRE – Tension and Trauma releasing Exercises, bodywork, touch and breath-work.

The journey’s direction is to establish a stronger and more straight and uncomplicated connection to your own heart space. The heart is spontaneous and wild. Connected to you own heart space, your life will unfold in an easier and more joyful way. You will be able to connect with, inspire and support others in new ways. You will be able to make a difference in the society you live in, a difference on the planet.

Wild Heart Transformation is a one-year process consisting of three modules of 5-days each. Between the modules with me, you will meet with your peer group or the whole group together with a couple of certified Tantric Life Coaches. Making this journey with the same group of people makes it very different from participating in many ordinary Tantra retreats. The process of the group and the fact that the participants will be the same make it possible to go deeper together at every meeting.

After completing the first year of training you can decide if you want to take your own process a step further to learn practical skills for using the tantric approach professionally.

If you feel the call for transformation and the courage to challenge yourself and make a difference in the world, the training might be for you!

Schedule 2018 – 2019
Finland 28.11 – 2.12 2018, 26 – 31.3 2019 and 16 – 21.7 2019 Elontuli, Karjalohja, Finland https://elontuli.fi/en/

Price: 1450€ + food and accommodation 380€/5days
Applications: If interested in the training, please send me a free application
telling a bit about yourself and the reasons why you want to join this training
by e-mail: shantilimnell@gmail.com

Tantric Life Coach

In Tantric Life Coach training you will learn skills to coach others, to do basic tantric bodywork, to facilitate groups, to lead meditations and exercises. As part of the group process you will have opportunities to deal with challenges within the group, both personal and professional. You will have a chance to grow in your expression and communication, to practice giving and receiving feedback in a constructive and loving way. You will grow a stronger connection and trust within yourself, learning how to relax and center yourself in challenging situations.

The Tantric Life Coach training consists of two 5-days modules and one six-day retreat in the summer where you will present your graduation assignment for the group.
In addition to the weekend modules you will meet and practice with your peer group between the modules. You will be required to read some books and make presentations for your peers.

The purpose of TLC training is to gain skills for taking the tantric approach into your daily work, be that leading a business, teaching children in school, giving one-on-one coaching sessions, bodywork, directing theatre or facilitating workshops. My intention is to support you to find your own way of sharing your best with the world.


Biodynamic Craniosacraltherapist -training 5-9.12.2018

Biodynamic craniosacral is a holistic and gentle method. It is based n the understanding that the same force and wisdom which has created our perfect bodies organizes, fixes and takes care of our body through our entire lives. Biodynamic craniosacral treatment supports and strenghtens this inner force. It gives support to balance on physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual levels. It helps the system to return into the natural, original state of balance.

The therapist focuses to remain in a state of neturality. The therapist does not act from the outside but rather listens and supports the systems own process of re-organization. This gives the possibility for the body to start using it’s own healing and reparing resources. Biodynamic craniosacral is based on research on the human anatomy, physilogy and modern neurobiology. The people participating get a deep understanding about health and healing processes. They learn that the presence of the therapist is a key factor in the clearing and healing process.


If you want the sertificate to be able to offer the sessions to people the program also includes intependent practise and practising sessions. You can also participate only for the Basic modules and do the training as your own process.


– Lectures
– Questions and answers
– Demonstrations
– Practising with teachers
– Guided meditations
– Sharing in small groups

In total 180 hours.

Practise and own studies in between:

– 50 documented practise sessions
– Giving and receiving 15 sessions inside the group. These can be a part of the 50 practise sessions
– Giving 2 practise sessions  to the teacher ( price 100e / session )
– Receiving 3 sessions from the teacher ( price 100e / session)
– Given homework

In total 100 hours

The training is divided into 5 modules that all last for 3-5 days. A period of 3 days costs 510e per time and 4 days periods cost 680e per module and 5 days is 800e per module. You can partisipate in the first one and then decide if you want to continue.

  1. 5-9.12.2018 3 days