Deep Breathing Weekend: Harvesting time – abundance and release with Breath Training Team!

25/08/2023 17:00 - 27/08/2023 18:00

Our program includes deep breathing to open the body, active meditations, revitalizing encounters with others and deeply melting touch. The fire and water! – Flame and relaxation!

With the theme of the August harvest, we explore abundance and the pleasure it creates in the body. We can be exactly all that we already are, while feeling our own potential. We get deeper into ourselves and open up to letting go the unnecessary. We find in our bodies the qualities of the elements, the burning power of fire and the relaxing nurturing of water. It is a moment to enjoy the warmth and abundance of late summer, while feeling the twilight already approaching, allowing us to take charge and rest. The refreshing Lake Puujärvi and the lakeside sauna are available to support the weekend’s program.

Come and land into your own body, find presence and your own power.

The Deep Breathing Weekend is an opportunity to explore deep breathing, and is suitable both for new and experienced breathers. The program will be translated into English if necessary.

Deep breathing as a therapeutic method

Deep breathing is a safe and effective method to open the body to release tension. After birth, most of us have the ability to breathe deeply. Over the years, traumatic experiences and setbacks that we are not able to come to terms with, begin to build up in our physical bodies causing tension that literally shrinks the living space around us. We lose the ability to be spontaneous and breathe naturally. Deep breathing begins to massage open these tensions, making more space for us. It helps us to feel our true emotions and find our way back to our authentic selves.  With the help of deep breathing we are able to again reach the childlike, spontaneous joy that we used to know, we are able to find pleasure, openness and the ability to live in the moment.  When our breathing truly becomes deeper our lives can change and we can find a way to accept ourselves and our bodies as we really are.

Deep breathing is a powerful method that is not suitable for pregnant women or people with serious mental health problems. If you have a physical or mental health challenge or chronic illness that makes you doubt whether you can attend the weekend, please contact us.


This weekend is being held at the beautiful course centre of Elontuli in Karjalohja, Finland from Friday 25.8.2023 starting at 17.00 until Sunday 27.8.2023 ending by 18.00. The address of the course centre is Merkniementie 94, Karjalohja (Lohja). You can find instructions on how to find us in this link

There is a Facebook group by the name Syvähengitysviikonloppu Elontulessa 25.-27.8.2023 where you can offer or enquire about car rides to and from Elontuli.

Prices and registration

Price for the whole weekend (Friday – Sunday) 380 €.
The price for the first ten registrations is 290 € !
Early bird -price 340 € UNTIL 31.7.2023!
The price includes accommodation, meals and the weekend program.

Reserve your place by contacting Hansu and checking that there are spaces left for the weekend by e-mail: or tel. 0503792130. You can then confirm your place by paying the whole weekend or the first installment 150 €. By paying the first installment you commit to paying for the whole weekend. Payment is binding and will be returned only in the case of illness confirmed by a doctors certificate. The final full payment must be made by 18.8.2023.

Payment details
Account number: FI50 5236 0420 1001 95
Payment made to: Elontuli Oy
Payment message:  Deep breathing weekend 25.-27.8.2023
If the payment is made by someone other than the person attending, please write the name of the person attending in the payment message.

After making payment please inform Hansu by e-mail or tel. +358 50 3792130. We will then send you an invitation message containing the practical information you need about the weekend.

Accomodation in Elontuli is in rooms of 2 – 5 people. If you wish to have your own room, the extra price is 40 € / night (please add this when making payment and mention it in your payment message).

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about this beautiful weekend!

We warmly welcome you!!

Our deep breathing team of trainers and trainees:
Hansu Lehtonen, Navino – Arja Immonen, Tara – Susanna Valtanen, Sitara Ruusuranta, Millamari Tommiska and Erkki Makkonen, tel. +358 50 3792130 (Hansu)