Family Constellation Training Part 2

21/02/2021 17:00 - 01/03/2021 18:00
Elontuli Kurssikeskus
Address: Merkniementie 94, 09120 Karjalohja (Lohja)

Family Constellation and Trauma Work Training is led by top international trainers Dwari and Svagito. We learn the basic principles of family constellation work both in theory and on a practical level. We study practical methods of working with trauma that you can use both in therapeutic situations and in everyday life. This second part is led by Svagito. You can do the training for professional reasons or as your own self-knowledge process.

This training is for anyone who wants to explore and understand the dynamics of the current family and how difficulties in relationships often originate from unresolved entanglements with the original family. Each of us as a child has been tied to family and ancestry. Our roots, opportunities, and limitations have arisen from this family and lineage. Instead of moving forward in our lives, we repeat family habits. Feelings of worthlessness, an inability to create healthy relationships, or a difficulty in succeeding in life are part of our daily lives. We wonder what is an obstacle to our well-being, and we don’t realize that some of our energy is still locked into childhood experiences.

With the help of family constellation, we can reveal the traumas and interactions hidden in the family that bind us to the destiny of the family. Family constellation is a powerful method for identifying family ties and solving problems. It allows us to find understanding, unexpected solutions, and relaxation in life’s problem situations. Working in a family constellation allows love to flow in the family and in our important relationships.


Level 2: Beyond Family

In level 2 we explore more complicated issues and their underlying family dynamics, like addiction, abortion, adoption, sexual abuse and others. We also look at what is at the source of many sicknesses and bodily symptoms, and how to work with them systemically.

Participants will learn how to facilitate Family Constellation sessions, following the understanding and observations of the systemic field and the movements of the representatives. The role of the facilitator and his inner attitude will be examined, and we explore how to help the intrinsic love of a family come through and to find solutions to many kinds of problems.

Some topics include

Recognizing and supporting healing movements (‘movements of the
The interview before a constellation: how to gather relevant information
Constellations in individual sessions: working with symbols
Steps to setting up constellations
When to end or interrupt a constellation
The functioning of systems other than family systems (such as work teams; organizations; the body as a system)
Practice of constellation work

The movement within the constellation that takes us ‘beyond family’ and ‘beyond blind love to conscious love’ is part of an inner growth process that brings the individual in deep synchronicity with life itself, and into real and joyful aloneness. Only out of that true capacity to be alone can a healthy relationship become possible.

In this training each participant will experience and understand family conditioning and have the opportunity to put up his own constellation. We will also learn by watching and taking part in other participants’ constellations. The process of this work will be made transparent as the therapist explains step-by-step what is happening within each constellation and how the source of love can be found.

We include the latest findings and the most recent approach of how to work with family systems.

Prerequisite for booking: Previous experience in Family Constellation work or a personal interview with one of the training leaders.

Daily meditations are an integral part of this training.

TRAINER Svagito Liebermeister

Svagito Liebermeister is a psychotherapist and spiritual teacher who has been a disciple of the enlightened mystic, Osho, since 1980. In his courses and training groups he combines Western therapy methods with Eastern methods of meditation, and is known for his clarity and heartfulness in teaching and supporting people in their personal growth.

He holds a degree in psychology from Munich University and has been working with people therapeutically since 1981, while continously studying a wide range of therapeutic methods including Deep Tissue Bodywork, Neo-Reichian Breathwork, Psychic Massage and Male-Female Energywork, Counseling and Trauma Therapy (SE). In 1995 he began to include Family Constellation in his work, studying with its founder, Bert Hellinger, and since 2000 he leads his own training programmes in this fascinating approach to therapy. His other training programmes specialize in Neo-Reichian Breathwork, Counseling and Male-Female Energywork and Trauma Healing (SE).

He has trained hundreds of practitioners worldwide in the art of working with people from a space of meditation and lovingness. For many years he coordinated the two-month Osho Therapist Training Programme at the Osho International Meditation Resort in Pune, India, one of the largest personal- growth centers in the world. Every year, he travels extensively throughout Europe, Asia, Central and South America, offering courses and training programmes in over 15 different countries.

Svagito has published three books, which have been translated into 9 languages.

More about Svagito and family constellation.


The price of the course is 1350e / person. You can also pay for the course in installments, the first installment is 300e / person. The price includes full board. Possibility to get involved Early bird for 1250e / person until 15.1.2021. You can reserve your place for the course by first confirming with us that the course has space and then paying the course fee or the first installment to Elontuli account:

Company: Hyvän Olon Keskus Elontuli Oy
IBAN: FI50 5236 0420 1001 95
Bank: Länsi-Uudenmaan Osuuspankki

By paying the first installment, you agree to pay the full price of the course. Always include the name and date of the course in the message. Also include your own name in the message if the payer is a company or different from the participant. The fee is binding and will only be refunded in the event of illness against a medical certificate.

For more information, see Registration.

If you are interested, feel free to contact us!

We will be happy to provide more information about the course. Additional information: Pragita 050 5575563 and Sudeva 050 5834473,

A warm welcome to join !!